
Shoal Group Sustainability Journey

Written by Adaani Denny | Jul 25, 2024 7:17:44 AM

As part of their journey to building a new and successful workplace, their sustainability initiatives in the design and build project exemplifies a comprehensive approach to achieving a high standard of environmental responsibility and energy efficiency. Here's an overview of their initiatives and how they've integrated various sustainable technologies and practices to meet the BREEAM Excellent standard.

BREEAM Excellent Standard 

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is a leading sustainability assessment method for master planning projects, infrastructure, and buildings. Achieving a BREEAM Excellent standard signifies that Shoal Group's new build project is in the top 10% of buildings in terms of environmental performance. This is achieved by meeting stringent criteria across various sustainability categories, including energy, water, health and well-being, pollution, transport, materials, waste, ecology, and management process.

Key Sustainable Initiatives 

Rainwater Harvesting Technology 

Shoal Group has implemented an advanced rainwater harvesting system to reduce potable water consumption and manage storm-water runoff. This technology captures and stores rainwater from roofs and other surfaces, which is then filtered and used for non-potable applications such as toilet flushing, landscape irrigation, and cooling systems. By reducing reliance on mains water and decreasing storm-water discharge, this system significantly lowers the building's water footprint and mitigates the risk of flooding.

Solar Panels 

Incorporating solar photovoltaic (PV) panels is a cornerstone of Shoal Group's renewable energy strategy. These panels harness solar energy to generate electricity, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. The energy produced by the solar panels contributes to the building's overall energy needs, promoting energy independence and reducing operational costs. 

Additional Sustainability Features

Energy-efficient Building Design 

The building's design focuses on maximizing natural light, enhancing insulation, and using high-performance glazing to reduce energy consumption for heating, cooling, and lighting. These design elements not only improve energy efficiency but also create a more comfortable and healthier indoor environment. 

Sustainable Materials 

Shoal Group has prioritised the use of sustainable, recycled, and low-impact materials in construction. This includes sourcing timber from certified sustainable forests, using recycled steel and concrete, and selecting finishes with low volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. Such choices minimize the environmental impact associated with material extraction, production, and disposal.

Smart Building Technologies

The integration of smart building technologies allows for real-time monitoring and management of energy use, lighting, HVAC systems, and other critical building functions. These systems enable more efficient operation, predictive maintenance, and the ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions, further enhancing the building's sustainability performance.

Green Spaces and Biodiversity 

The project incorporates green roofs, living walls, and landscaped areas to enhance biodiversity and create pleasant outdoor space. these features improves air quality, provide habitat for wildlife and contribute to the well-being of occupants by offering natural surroundings and opportunities for relaxation. 

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Their sustainability journey is characterized by a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation. By regularly reviewing and updating their sustainability practices and technologies, they ensure that the building remains at the forefront of environmental performance and resilience.

In conclusion, Shoal Group's new build project demonstrates a holistic and forward-thing approach to sustainability. Through the integration of different schemes, they have not only achieved the BREEAM Excellent standard but also set a benchmark for future developments in environmental stewardship and sustainability.