Steinway & Sons
A refurbished and revitalised London office space fit for purpose.
Since 1853 Steinway & Sons have been manufacturing the finest pianos in the world and are renowned globally for their dedication to uncompromising craftmanship and remain the epitome of elegance, expression and excellence.
Located on Marylebone Lane, in the heart of London’s West End, Steinway & Sons approached Habit Action with a simple brief…to refurbish the office space and bring it up to date and in keeping with some of the beautiful features and finishes found elsewhere within this prestigious location. Having not upgraded some of the space for a number of years, this project was well overdue and much needed, and Habit Action were delighted to have been tasked with designing and managing this on Steinway’s behalf.
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The design brief given to Habit Action was twofold; firstly to space plan and create an office environment that was fit for purpose and would meet the current needs of both permanent and visiting members of staff. Secondly, to ensure the design remained in keeping with the Steinway brand, with colours, textures and wall finishes being consistent and reflecting the heritage of this global business.
After a number of weeks in planning, and some painstaking due diligence, the result was stunning. A full strip out was completed allowing upgrades to lighting, high level services and a much needed overhaul of the air conditioning and fresh air. The space was opened up and with new furniture throughout, staff found themselves with considerably more space and a much more efficient platform from which to work. Lux levels were tested and new feature lighting transformed what was once a dark and uninspiring space into a bright and airy place to be. New meeting facilities were created, something that had been lacking for some time, giving employees a space for internal discussions and private conversations when need be.
Beautiful wallpaper throughout, upgraded floor finishes and new branding within, has given Steinway and the staff that work there a new lease of life and the feedback has been wonderful. Despite a phased programme in occupation, which often has its own challenges, both the Steinway team and the Habit Action team managed to overcome these logistical hurdles and the showroom on the ground floor continued to operate as normal; a great achievement.
It was an absolute pleasure working with the team at Steinway & Sons and we are delighted that the project has been such a great success.