Our Community
We are a part of the wider community.
Habit Action has strong roots in the community we serve. Not just in industry but in and around the places we call home. Our success is something we are tremendously proud of and want to pay forward. Over the years our team have worked to give back to Leighton Buzzard with refurbs and builds that benefit the local community from eco-toilets to Scout huts.
Through our wider networks Habit Action works to raise money for, and privately donates regularly to, the Grace Trust which distributes funds to over 450 different charities nationwide.
Alongside our other charity support, we are incredibly proud to donate substantial funds annually to the RRT (Rapid Relief Team) who deliver hope and relief to people across the globe. Whether it be fire, flood or humanitarian need, RRT expands their support services to meet the need at hand. In response to the unfolding crisis in Ukraine, RRT has launched Operation 322 to deliver emergency food and personal care supplies to those displaced.